Code of Conduct

NYC Sacred Harp singing regularly brings together singers for fellowship and singing. We, the NYC Singers and All-Day Singing Organizers, want to facilitate a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming environment for everyone, that values participation regardless of age, religion (or lack thereof), singing experience, sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, education, ability, or socio-economic status. We want our singing spaces and community to be built upon a culture of support and consent, with no tolerance for harassment or the abuse of power in any form.

Building this environment at our singings is everyone’s responsibility, at both weekly and all-day singings. We look forward to singing and working together to construct and maintain our community by seeking consent in our interpersonal interactions, being aware of how we share spaces and time, and respecting the boundaries of each other’s engagement and comfort.

If you experience anything at any singing that makes you uncomfortable, believe that another singer has behaved in a way that is inconsistent with these goals, or have questions about these guidelines, please seek out our Covid point person at the next weekly singing. You can also contact us via the information below.