There are Sacred Harp singings in Manhattan most Wednesdays, and shape-note singings from The Sacred Harp and other books on some weekends.

Come sing with us!

Two ways to stay updated on singings, discussions, and late-breaking venue or time changes that we may not have had a chance to post on this site:

Find info on our annual all-day singing here.

Weekly Manhattan Singings

The Midweek Singing:

Weekly on Wednesdays, 6:00 – 8:15 pm. (We are starting a half hour earlier as of June 2024.)

St. John's Lutheran Church
81 Christopher St. (bet. Bleecker & W. 4th Sts., near 7th Ave. S.)
Greenwich Village, Manhattan

This singing uses one book: The Sacred Harp. Books available for loan or purchase!

Update as of October 2:

"We meet for Midweek singing on Wednesday, October 2, but NOT as usual; we will be at our lovely uptown alternative space, Liza M.'s church at 309 West 74th St., between West End and Riverside Drive. I gather provisions were made to get loaners up there, but bring your own if you can. Usual time, 6 to 8:15."

Monthly Brooklyn Singings

The Joe Beasley Singing:

Monthly on Second Sundays, 2 – 5 pm
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
199 Carroll St. (near the corner of Clinton St) Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn

A three-book singing—The Sacred Harp in Denson (red) and Cooper (blue), and the Shenandoah Harmony! Loaner books available.

Contact denson1991 at gmail if you need further help or info regarding the Joe Beasley singing.

Monthly Seven-Shape Singings

On Saturdays before the fourth Sunday each month, we sing from the Christian Harmony (2010) and Mull's Convention 7, both seven-shape books, at Menno House (314 East 19th St, east of 2nd Ave) from 2:00 to 5:00.

Note: this event occurs irregularly during the winter season, so please join our Google Group or Facebook to confirm!

Update as of June 10:

June's Christian Harmony singing will be on the fifth, not the fourth, weekend: that is, Saturday, June 29.

Ad-Hoc Outdoor Singings

On fair-weather Wednesdays, we sometimes convene to sing at Prospect Park’s Litchfield Villa. Please sign up for our Google Group or join our Facebook group to hear about those singings.